Received my special "Box of Joy" from Lazada Malaysia! This special box consists of "joy" in every parcel! Some of the premium brands that I've received with this "Box of Joy" is simply amazing!
Unboxing it made me so excited that my eldest son was gleefully looking at me and also wanted to help me unbox!
So what's in the box?
As I unbox it, each premium items in the box was simply wonderful.
So what's in the box?
As I unbox it, each premium items in the box was simply wonderful.
These are all the amazing stuffs I received! Isn't this wonderful!
Remember I blogged about the Nescafe Gold Barista Machine Review and the Bundle Package; It's still available to purchase on Lazada Malaysia.
Let me review each of these products here!
Nestle is always a family favorite brand due to its wide variety.
This is the Nescafe White Coffee (Rasa Pandan). Very aromatic, unique and a great way to start the day! Available here on Lazada Malaysia.
The Nestle Full Cream Milk, 100% natural goodness of calcium & protein. My son will love it!
"Ola Bola" Milo sports bag! Imagine the look on my husband's face when he saw this bag! Perfect for him since he love sports so much, can put his sports shoe, basketball, badminton racket, towel, clothes, it's even great as a hand carry luggage bag for travelling! You can stock up on Milo with Lazada Malaysia too!
Maggi OatMee (Perisa Kari), a new twist in Maggi. Something different and recently launched. I'm equally excited to try it out soon! Will post an updated link to this lovely once I've cooked it. Stay tuned!! However, don't miss out on the offers where you can save more $$$ here.
Nestle Cerelac "NutriPuffs" (Banana & Strawberry flavour), my son adores snacks like these!! I like how it's conveniently bite-sized where you can put them in a tupperware and bring them out and about with your kid. So they can munch on this when they're hungry or on a long journey back hometown or on a holiday OR even on a picnic outing!
There's also some goodies for mommy (aka me lah~ who else...)
L'Oreal hair styling gel+cream packs, nourishing hair oil and nourishing shampoo for dry hair. Makes me wonder, how'd they know that I'm facing dry hair situation lacking nourishment AND my hair is short which makes it easier to style~away! Amazing! They read my mind! L'Oreal is a premium brand where you can save more if you get them here!
More goodies for meeeeeee~! I love this Tefal Manual Chopper! It's compartment is wider which gives me ease to chop up more vegetables or mash soft food! I'm using the Tupperware Speedy Chopper at the moment so the size difference is definitely obvious. However, this Tefal came just in time for me to prepare my youngest son solid food in just another 4 more months. So excited already! Tefal is really known for it's amazing quality in household appliances so don't forget to check out what they have to offer on Lazada Online Revolution!
I would say this is for my husband, you know how guys love their gadgets! However, in my case, I'm the one that loves these babies! I have 2 of these type of dual drive and it's from other brands but it's quite delicate because I bought it "cheap" and the brand is kinda "unknown", more like OEM drives. Anyway, they've been fully utilized so this SanDisk Dual Drive m3.0 with 64GB is like my mini dream come true! Thank you so much Lazada Malaysia!!
Lactokid, have you heard about it? Well Lactokid is a formula milk brand which most of you might've heard about "NAN PRO" formula milk. So for those of you looking to switch your formula milk brand or planning to grab more stocks and save money at the same time, than this is your chance! You can get them HERE! #DontSayINeverShareGoodOffer *kidding teehee*
Mamypoko gentle baby wipes consists of 99% pure water! I believe them because I'm using this brand too! And I'm gonna stock up on Lazada because I get to save more $$$ plus I don't need to worry about logistics!
(Read here on my review on Mamypoko AirFit Pants & Mamy Poko AirFit Diapers)
Of all the joy found in every parcel, this is the most cutest of them all! Cute little panda bear from
How did I get to be so lucky!
Don't forget, almost all the products I've mentioned in this blog post you can get them all at Lazada Malaysia.

If you would like to participate in reviews like this in the future, please contact to join the Lazada Family!
Tefal chopper is my pick. totally love that thing.
ReplyDeleteyou've got lovely stuffs here! Am also eyeing for the Nestle Barista Machine (saving every penny to get one!).